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Hillies on the Harbour 2019


Upcoming Games and Social Events For Hunters Hill Rugby

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Hillies on the Harbour 2019

Ahoy Sailor! 

You are all invited to the second outing of the Hunters Hill Rugby Union Club. 

So as Ivan Cleary said, before his departure, "Get On The Boat!!"

The Club is kicking off the year with a much requested day atop the glorious Sydney harbour. This year is going to be a whole club event, including our very successful Women’s Rugby Club!! 

9th of February 2019, with festivities kicking off at 12:00 noon. 

The boat will be departing from Huntleys Point Wharf for a cruise of the harbour’s best spot before returning for drop off.

How much?
Ticket prices are $80, which is all inclusive of drink, food and good times. 
We are also encouraging each of you to bring 'New to Club' players - who will get a 50% discount on the cost! So bring a mate - let them see firsthand what a great club they should be joining!!

Grab your tickets here!

Due to the strong demand for the event, spots will be limited, so make sure you secure yours ASAP. We will be looking to finalise our numbers before Christmas so lock them in now!! 

This event is not to be missed - and you can be assured of good times, great beats, and plenty of food and drink!

Get on the Boat!!

Earlier Event: January 29
Pre-Season Training
Later Event: February 16
Lakes 7's