Boronia Park Sports and Community Facility
For almost half a century the members of Hunters Hill Rugby Union Football Club have had a dream.
A dream of modern, purpose-built facilities providing a proper base for community sporting clubs; a place to meet and socialise with our members and to host our opposition; a place befitting our long history and proud heritage; a place we could call ‘home’.
Well, we’re well on the way to making this dream a reality…
No more standing in the freezing cold, supporting the boys and girls, young men and women that are the heart and soul of our clubs. No more windy, uncomfortable grandstand or ancient, dark and dank change rooms, toilets and canteen. No more hosting our opposition in the dust bowl in front of the grandstand.
The new age will bring modern, comfortable, unisex and accessible facilities befitting of our proud club as it closes in on 130 seasons at Boronia Park.
We’ll soon be able to shelter from the elements in the elevated Community room and viewing terrace or take a seat in the tiered seating to watch games on either Ovals 1 or 2.
Netball, too, will share these benefits whilst training, with the very real benefit of toilets right at the courts for added safety.
Cricket will enjoy the same luxury in the summer months. Gone will be the days of sweating it out on those hot days, except of course, if you are out in the centre scoring a century or sprinting to stop that boundary.
But this is not just about the sporting clubs.
Boronia Park Primary School and Villa Maria Primary School both use the ovals, dragging their kit back and forwards along Princes St or Ryde Rd with all the safety concerns this involves. Now, they will have on-site storage for easy access, along with facilities that can shelter and spaces to support indoor activities. Gone are the days of being caught out in the rain or heat. Located in the centre of the park, this facility will be there for the safety and wellbeing of local kids.
Modern facilities befitting our proud sporting club and for the benefit of the entire Hunters Hill Community.
This webpage has been setup to keep everyone informed about the progress of the project. We will be updating as often as possible to keep you up to date with the latest information about design, approvals, construction and our fundraising efforts.
So please check back regularly to stay informed.
D.A. PLANS & Reports
Photomontage from Oval 1
Photomontage from Oval 2
DA-000 Cover Sheet and Location Plan
DA-001 Site Plan
DA-005 Site Analysis Plan
DA-006 External Works Plan
DA-101 Lower Level Plan
DA-102 Upper Level Plan
DA-103 Roof Plan
DA-200 Elevations
DA-250 Sections
DA-901 Shadow Diagrams
DA-902 Shadow Diagrams Sheet 2
DA-921 3D Views
DA Hydraulic Services
DA Acoustic Assessment
Heritage Impact Statement
Traffic and Parking Report
Photomontage from Carpark
+ What are we planning?
The proposed Facility will be a two storey, architecturally designed building to meet all the needs of the members and supporters of our sporting clubs. Community groups will also have access and be able to enjoy this wonderful addition to our local area.
Located between Ovals 1 and 2, the building will comprise:
- Ground floor - 2 unisex change rooms with showers and toilets, referee’s room, first aid room, storage for club and school users, public accessible toilets and a canteen
- First Floor – A large Community/Social Room with kitchen, storeroom and office together with an adjacent covered viewing terrace.
Things are moving along at a cracking pace. The Development Application is due to be lodged in early June. This will be determined by the Local Planning Panel (i.e. not HH Council). While the DA is being processed constructions tenders will go out. This, of course will inform us of our final fundraising target.
+ Who is in charge of the Project?
Hunters Hill Council are project managers. HHRUFC and Hunters Hill Council have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding outlining the roles and responsibilities of both parties for the delivery of this project.
We have formed a stakeholder group - including members of HHRUFC, Ryde Hunters Hill Cricket, Ravens Netball, local Primary Schools and Council - to step through and guide the design process with appointed designers, DJRD Architects. It is this group that has informed the Architect of the needs of the proposed users of the facilities.
+ How much will this cost?
Estimates using the concept plans already produced have put the construction costs of the new building at $3m plus about $150k in design and consultant fees.
+ Who is paying for this?
Unfortunately, Boronia Park sits in the smallest council in Australia. It’s lack of size and consequent limited revenue means that funding projects such as this is near impossible.
So, the bottom line is – if we want modern, clean, usable facilities, we will have to find the money for them.
We have already been very successful, gaining grant funding from the NSW Government, to the tune of $1m, along with another half a million kicked in by the Federal Government. We have committed $150,000 of club funds that we have accumulated over the past 10 years or so.
But we need much more…
The rest we are hoping to get from donations from club members, past club members and members of the local community that are keen to support great initiatives and great facilities in Hunters Hill.
Our fundraising target is $1.5m
We have already received significant interest from sporting club members and local residents, willing to tip in generous amounts towards our fundraising goal. But we need everyone that can to help out – every donation, whether $100 or $1m, counts.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our club and for our community, but we need your help to get it across the line.
Donations are fully tax deductable
Construction contracts cannot be let until we have all funds available.
+ How do I make a donation?
Glad you asked…
Please visit Make A Donation to donate.
+ Why should I contribute?
All of us will have different reasons for making a donation to this project – some might be:
- I have been a member for donkey’s years and have always hoped we would get somewhere we could call home.
- I want to help to get the sporting facilities that Boronia Park is crying out for.
- HHRUFC has been a big and important part of my life and I want to give something back.
- I love coming to Boronia to watch the footy. It would be nice to have a bit more comfort.
- I am embarrassed by the state of facilities at Boronia compared to our oppositions.
- District, amateur sport is crucial part of our community – it needs our help.
Whatever your reason, the bottom line is – without your help, we won’t get the facilities that Boronia Park has always needed.
+ What is the project timeline?
We are currently in the design phase of the project. Concept plans have been produced for the layout of the building, showing the elements that will be included. Once this is finalised the architects can start working on the look of the building.
We expect to have finalised the design by the end of April. This is a critical stage – we only get one chance to get this right.
After design is complete and signed off by Council (and us, of course), it will go through a Development Application process, which we expect to be determined in mid July.
An approved DA means we can then go to tender for the construction of the building. We are aiming for construction to begin in mid October, with completion by the end of June 2022.
On the fundraising front, all donations need to be collected before the end of September to allow for the construction contract to be awarded. Construction can’t begin until the tender sum is sitting in the bank.
+ Who will manage the building once it’s finished?
The building will be wholly owned and managed by Hunters Hill Council.
+ What sort of access will Hunters Hill Rugby get to the building?
The building can broadly be thought of as two separate floors – the ground floor, containing changerooms, canteen, storage and other active sport areas; and the first floor, containing the Community Room and Viewing Terrace.
We are currently in negotiations with Council to secure a 20 year licence to use the building at set times, on set days throughout the year – for example: Juniors and Seniors game days and evenings. rugby carnival days, special events such as presentations and season launches, committee meetings or AGMs.
Broadly speaking, our access to the ground floor will be available all year, while the first floor spaces will be as set out in our licence.
+ Who else will get to use the Facility?
When not reserved for use by the Rugby Club, (or the Cricket Club under their licence) the first floor of the Facility will be available for hire to other community groups. Hunters Hill Council will manage the hiring of the Facility, with revenue going to offset maintenance of the building.
+ Will there be limitations on how we can use the Community Room?
Yes, of course. The Development Approval and our licence will set out conditions for the use of the building. These conditions will generally be in line with those in place for all similar Council run facilities. As you would expect, there will be restrictions on noise and hours of operation.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our club and for our community, but we need your help to get it across the line. Every donation, whether $100 or $1m, counts.
Through NSW & Australian Government Grants and Club Funds, we have already funded over half of the estimated cost of this project, but construction contracts cannot be let until we have all funds available.
After months of organising, we have finally sorted out a fundraising structure for the Boronia Park Sports and Community Facility that will protect your donation, ensure every cent goes towards better facilities and the Club controls the movement of funds (not Council).
Depending on your taxation circumstances, there are a number of options available to meet most needs: 1) to get a tax deduction this financial year; 2) to get a deduction next financial year; 3) to keep your donation in the Trust account until all approvals have been granted; or 4) when you’re not after a deduction.
Note: In the extremely unlikely event the project does not go ahead, for Options 1 & 2, donations will be refunded minus the ASF’s 5% fee. For Options 3 & 4, donations will be refunded in full.
Whichever way you opt for, the funds will be transferred into a trust account, set up specifically and completely for the BPC&SF. The Board of HHRUFC are signatories of this account. Donations will be held in the trust account until we need to meet invoices from Council for the construction works.
Council will only ever receive money just in time to pay away an invoice.
If you have any questions give Glen Sanford a call on 0414 397 854
You’re now able to make a donation directly into the ASF via this link:
The ASF will issue an acknowledgement email to you and provide you with tax deduction information.
(Best not wait until the last week in June to ensure the ASF process your donation prior to the end of the month)
Of course, the fundraising will extend beyond this financial year, so you can spread your donation across two tax returns if that suits.
For donations next financial year, and so we can see how we are tracking against our target, we are asking for pledges now, with donations paid in July.
Pledges can be made simply by emailing bpsportsandcommunityfacility@gmail.com with your intentions and contact details as soon as possible. One of our Fundraising Team will then contact you after June 30.
OPTION 3: DONATE VIA Boronia Park Development Trust fund (TAX DEDUCTION)
While we are extremely confident that the project will proceed, in the very unlikely event that the project doesn’t go ahead, leaving your donation in the Trust account until all approvals are in place allows us to make a full refund, but any tax deduction would be for FY21/22.
If this is the way you want to donate, after making your payment to the trust account, email bpsportsandcommunityfacility@gmail.com with your name, address, email address and mobile number so we can process the ASF claim on your behalf, at the appropriate time.
Trust Fund donations can be made to:
Account Name. Boronia Park Development
Westpac BSB No. 032 134
Account No. 393643
OPTION 4: DONATE VIA Boronia Park Development Trust fund (NO TAX DEDUCTION)
For those who want to donate to the project, and don’t require a tax deduction.
Make your donation directly into the trust account, make sure you include your name in the reference info, so we know who to thank!
If you want, you can also send an email to bpsportsandcommunityfacility@gmail.com with your name, address, email address and mobile number, and with your deposit details, just to make sure.
Trust Fund donations can be made to:
Account Name. Boronia Park Development
Westpac BSB No. 032 134
Account No. 393643
Grace Hamilton - NSW Waratahs & Wallaroos
Stephen Cutler - Wallaby 630 - 40 Tests
Tony Lewis - CEO at Western Force
Lachlan McCaffrey - Kyuden Voltex & Australian U20’s
Andrew Kellaway - NEC Green Rockets & Australian U20’s
This webpage has been setup to keep everyone informed about the progress of the project. We will be updating as often as possible to keep you up to date with the latest information about design, approvals, construction and our fundraising efforts.
So please check back regularly to stay informed.
28th May: DA Plans added & Donations Tab updated with new information
7th September: DA Plans section updated with new information