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Upcoming Games and Social Events For Hunters Hill Rugby

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  • Bayview Hotel Gladesville Australia (map)

All of Club

Date: Saturday 14th December 2019

Time: 3.00-5.00pm

Location: Bayview Hotel ( Downstairs )


At the meeting, members may have the opportunity to: 

1. find out about Hunters Hill Rugby Union operations and finances

2. ask questions about the operations and finances of Hunters Hill Rugby Union

3. speak about any items on the agenda

4. vote on any resolutions proposed.


At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:

1. accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting 

2. accept the draft annual report

3. accept the auditor’s report

4. accept the annual financial statements

Agenda will follow.

Location: Bayview Hotel ( Downstairs )


At the meeting, members may have the opportunity to: 

1. find out about Hunters Hill Rugby Union operations and finances

2. ask questions about the operations and finances of Hunters Hill Rugby Union

3. speak about any items on the agenda

4. vote on any resolutions proposed.


At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:

1. accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting 

2. accept the draft annual report

3. accept the auditor’s report

4. accept the annual financial statements

Formal Agenda will follow.

Earlier Event: September 9
AGM: Seniors
Later Event: March 7
2020 Boat Cruise