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2020 Season Launch


Upcoming Games and Social Events For Hunters Hill Rugby

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2020 Season Launch

Hunters Hill Rugby Union Football Club (HHRUFC) invites you to come and celebrate the launch of our 128th Season!

The event is this year moving back to the CBD - at Barracks on Barrack (home of chef Jason - formerly of the NSW Rugby Club - yes there will be Crumbed Lamb Cutlets).  

This will be a great opportunity to see old friends and make new ones....and celebrate what is great about community based rugby.

The event is open to everyone from the Seniors, Juniors and Cats - and anyone else you think would enjoy an afternoon of unrivalled entertainment and comraderie.

Our special guests on the day will be:

  • Former England Women's Rugby International Nikki Drinkwater

  • World Cup Winning All Black Captain David Kirk MBE

  • Current RUPA CEO and Former Wallaby great Justin 'Goog' Harrison


We will be guided through the afternoon by Club Patron and The Voice of Rugby Gordon Bray AM.

As in previous years, the Season Launch will also see a number of raffles and quality auctions to drive our major fundraiser for the year.

Get your tickets now - strictly limited to 100 seats!! Tickets $150